Tourism in Segala, deep in the countryside, between the Aveyron gorges and the Viaur valley

La Crêpe Ségaline, Rieupeyroux

La Crêpe Ségaline, Rieupeyroux

Volume :

19 Number of seats(s), 10 Couvert en terrasse(s)

Services :

Pets allowed

Equipments :

Access for the handicapped

Accessibility :

Physical impairment

Address / Contacts :

Spoken language : FR

La Crêpe Ségaline
21 rue de l'Hom
12240 Rieupeyroux

Mobile : 07 45 15 94 14
E-mail :
Facebook : http://

Opening period(s) :

- From Tuesday 14/01/2025 to Wednesday 31/12/2025 - Sunday from 11:30:00 to 13:30:00 - Tuesday from 11:30:00 to 13:30:00 et from 18:00:00 to 21:00:00 - Wednesday from 11:30:00 to 13:30:00 et from 18:00:00 to 21:00:00 - Friday from 11:30:00 to 13:30:00 et from 18:00:00 to 21:00:00 - Saturday from 11:30:00 to 13:30:00 et from 18:00:00 to 21:00:00

Indicative prices :

No details

Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen Agricole pour le Développement Rural
L'Europe investit dans les zones rurales