Tourism in Segala, deep in the countryside, between the Aveyron gorges and the Viaur valley

La Naucelloise, Naucelle

La Naucelloise, Naucelle

Visit a food company: video presentation of the fabrication of an aveyronnaise speciality: tripou. View of the fabrication. Museum with equipment used. Model of the workshops.

Here you are entering into the secrets of Aveyron's gastronomy. The canning factory, which is famous for its “tripous”, will demonstrate all its expertise during a delicious 45-minute tour. The video film about the company will act as an appetiser, then you'll follow the various stages in the manufacture of our products (subject to their being manufactured on the day of your visit). Following a tasting, the company shop will give you a chance to buy some of our products so that you can share these local recipes with your family.

Services :


Equipments :

Toilets, Car park, Coach parking, Prestation - Totalement couverte

Activities, ... :

Product tasting

Accessibility :

Physical impairment

Address / Contacts :

Spoken language : FR , ES , EN

La Naucelloise
ZA de Merlin
12800 Naucelle

Tel : 05 65 69 26 66
E-mail :
Web : http://

Opening period(s) :

No details

Indicative prices :

No details

Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen Agricole pour le Développement Rural
L'Europe investit dans les zones rurales