Tourism in Segala, deep in the countryside, between the Aveyron gorges and the Viaur valley

Musée de la forge et de l'ancienne vie rurale, Lescure-Jaoul

Musée de la forge et de l'ancienne vie rurale, Lescure-Jaoul

Come and discover a fascinating piece of local history with this museum located in the former smithy of the village !

Located in the old smithy, the museum contains many different blacksmiths tools as well as the traditional tools of the rural world. In the past the smithy would have resonated with the clear hard sound of steel on steel while harrow and fork tines glowed in the fire; now, anyone who wants to appreciate the blacksmiths skills and admire the huge stock of tools which he needed to ply his trade can admire his craft. The smithy which contains the museum was itself built on the site of one of the two towers of the former castle of Lescure, which dated from the 11th century. After the French Revolution, its owner decided to use the castle as a quarry to furnish stones to build the chateau at Lunac.

Come and discover a fascinating piece of local history. You can collect the keys from the Mairie in the village centre, from 3-5 pm on Wednesday (07-19/08-16).

Services :

Pets allowed, Free guided tour for groups, Guided tours,

Equipments :

Car park, Coach parking, Toilets, Access for the handicapped

Activities, ... :

Temporary exhibitions

Address / Contacts :

Spoken language : FR

Le Bourg
12440 Lescure-Jaoul

Tel : 05 65 81 82 10
E-mail :

Opening period(s) :

All year long

Indicative prices :

No details

Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen Agricole pour le Développement Rural
L'Europe investit dans les zones rurales