Tourism in Segala, deep in the countryside, between the Aveyron gorges and the Viaur valley

Oratoire de Romette, La Salvetat-Peyralès

Oratoire de Romette, La Salvetat-Peyralès

The charming site of Romette has many historical monuments for you to discover !

The 16th century oratory, covered by a pyramid shaped roof, shelters a beautiful limestone cross. Formerly it was also used as a courthouse. The adjacent 19th century church replaced an old medieaval sanctuary and was rebuilt in 1895. It has a 15th century wooden statue of the Virgin.

Nearby, you'll also note some of the ancient graves of the cemetary as for example, the vicar named Foulquier who worked for more than 50 years for Romette parish.

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Opening period(s) :

All year long

Indicative prices :

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Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen Agricole pour le Développement Rural
L'Europe investit dans les zones rurales