Tourism in Segala, deep in the countryside, between the Aveyron gorges and the Viaur valley

"Rallye des 6 ponts" en voitures anciennes - étape au Viaduc du Viaur, Tauriac-de-Naucelle

"Rallye des 6 ponts" en voitures anciennes - étape au Viaduc du Viaur, Tauriac-de-Naucelle

6000 km, 16 days, 9 countries, 6 bridges, 1 rally and... a stop at the Viaur Viaduct!

The Viaur Viaduct is a real technical feat. From this observation, its application was submitted to obtain the UNESCO World Heritage status - jointly with 5 other big-arch bridges built between late 19th and early 20th centuries in Europe. Unity is strength, isn't it?

In order to show their support for this procedure, 2 adventure-addict German men, Timm and Marc, decided to set up a vintage car rally across Europe. The 3rd edition will take place from 7th to 22nd of September 2024.

The itinerary will stop at the 6 bridges involved: Ponte San Michele (Italy), Viaduc de Garabit & Viaduc du Viaur (France, of course!), Ponte Marie Pia & Ponte Dom Luis I (Portugal), Müngstener Brücke (Germany) - departure and arrival of the rally.

On the way through, the route will make detours to enjoy over and over the beauty of the “old continent”. It's not about reaching top speeds, it's about taking part in a cultural and funny treasure hunt through summits and valleys, deserts and forests, preserved nature… To sum up : it's 100% pleasure and 0% pressure!

You want to join in the adventure for one or several stages? Look for one or several co-drivers, a car that has seen roads… and register.


The Viaur Viaduct stop is planned on 12th September between 10am & noon.

To applause and meet the participants, you are more than welcome! One thing's for sure: you will see beautiful cars you don't bump into every day!

Address / Contacts :

Spoken language : FR

Viaduc du Viaur
Aire Halte Paul Bodin
12800 Naucelle

Tel : 05 65 67 16 42
E-mail :
Facebook :
Web :

Dates :

- Thursday 12/09/2024 Etape to Viaduc du Vitor

Indicative prices :

No details


Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen Agricole pour le Développement Rural
L'Europe investit dans les zones rurales