Tourism in Segala, deep in the countryside, between the Aveyron gorges and the Viaur valley

Explore Naucelle, Naucelle

Explore Naucelle, Naucelle

A former "sauveté" that builds the identity of the Ségala...

To enter this town founded by Cistercian monks during the 12th century, use the Englishmen's Door, classified as an historical monument. Visit Saint-Martin Church with its magnificent organ and, once arrived in rue du Four, look up to admire the half-timbered houses.

What is a “sauveté”? In short: a place where you are safe (“sauf” in French)! 

It was a village or a market town built on seigneurial lands, around a church and its priory. Its territorial boundaries were shown thanks to stone crosses. The inhabitants benefited from a spiritual protection and a plot on which they could build freely their homes. They cultivated gardens and fields that were monks' properties almost always.

A good Gourmet Break!

La Naucelloise produces “tripou” - local speciality we are extremely proud of – and will give you an overview of its manufacturing process. The factory includes a shop, the perfect place to delight your taste buds! 

The farm shop Terre Ségala will allow you to leave us with plenty of high-quality local products.

And do not miss the weekly market every Saturday morning in the inner town!

Anecdote: Naucelle's inhabitants remember the exploit of one of them, Jean Delbruel, who came out victorious after fighting a bear on a Fair Day in Naucelle, late 19th century.

Have we stirred up your curiosity? To know everything about the town, click on Naucelle.

Explore our other sites with tourist maps: Sauveterre-de-Rouergue, Saint-Clair de Verdun, Baraqueville & Gramond.

Services :


Equipments :

Picnic area

Address / Contacts :

Spoken language : FR

12800 Naucelle

Tel : 05 65 72 02 52
E-mail :
Facebook : http://
Web : http://

Opening period(s) :

No details

Indicative prices :

No details

Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen Agricole pour le Développement Rural
L'Europe investit dans les zones rurales