Tourism in Segala, deep in the countryside, between the Aveyron gorges and the Viaur valley



Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 4.7 km
Positive Elevation: 56 m
Time: 1h15

From La Salvetat take the D905 towards Rieupeyroux for 8km to the junction of the D39 towards Lescure. Park on the old road on the right.

Go down the D39 for 300m then turn right as continue as far as Le Foncal. Go down to the left for 100m then take the road on the right for about 800m, passing the farm of La Passet. Take the stony track on the right which climbs for about 15.m, then follow the grassy path on the left, which brings you to the D905 on the outskirts of Rieupeyroux. Follow the road towards Rieupeyroux for several metres until you get to the old road, first on the right. Follow this back to the car.

The topoguides are sold at the tourist information center with all the waypoints and cultural information about the points of interests.

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Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen Agricole pour le Développement Rural
L'Europe investit dans les zones rurales